Carnation is now in early alpha. Read more


Carnation is an accessible framework for building universal React design systems.

Design Systems

A design system is a hierarchy of styles, components, and patterns that can be used by designers and engineers to build any number of applications. At the core of any digital experience is a design system: it's in the text, in the buttons, it's everywhere.

Check out our Design Systems doc for more in-depth information and examples.


Design systems are scalable and their implementations should be too. Managing multiple codebases that implement the same design system can get tedious, especially for smaller teams or solo engineers. What if you could design once, code once, and have it appear everywhere? That is the promise of Carnation.

Check out our Motivation doc for more in-depth information on how we landed on our approach.


Unlike other universal design system frameworks, Carnation is web-first. No more writing View or Text components; you'll be writing real DOM elements:

  <c.h1>Carnation Is Changing the Design Space</c.h1>
    By <c.a href="/authors/josh">Josh Pensky</c.a>
  <c.img src="..." alt="A sunrise over a snowy mountain." />

Check out the Primitives section for more about our core components.


Carnation leverages the power of Tailwind CSS (opens in a new tab) to make defining the styles of your universal design system easy. On native, Tailwind classes are compiled at build time to native StyleSheets via NativeWind (opens in a new tab).

<c.p className="font-sans text-black dark:text-white">
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Carnation brings a universal API for motion to design systems, brought to you by Framer Motion (opens in a new tab) on web and Reanimated (opens in a new tab) on native.

  initial={{ rotate: 0 }}
  animate={{ rotate: 360 }}
  transition={{ type: "timing", ease: "linear", repeat: Infinity }}
  <LoadingIcon />


Beyond exposing semantic components and ARIA props, we also take inspiration from Radix UI (opens in a new tab) to export composable components that implement accessible patterns not built into the web and/or native.

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    <Tabs.Trigger value="following">Following</Tabs.Trigger>
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