Carnation is now in early alpha. Read more



As with all design systems, you must first define your styles that your components will later use.

In Carnation, your Tailwind config will serve as the single source of truth for color and typography. In the following examples, we will define our tokens in the root theme config to override the default config values. If you'd rather keep the default Tailwind config as well, drop the following into theme.extend.


Let's start by defining your color tokens in tailwind.config.js. Once defined, we can use them wherever colors can be applied, such as text, fill, and background colors.


Avoid using named color values like transparent and currentColor in tokens as these won't transfer nicely to native. Rather, use 8-digit hex codes (opens in a new tab) to bake-in opacity (e.g., #ffffff00) and React context (opens in a new tab) to pass color data to children components.

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    colors: {
      clear: "#ffffff00",
      dark: "#141414",
      light: "#efefef",
      emerald: {
        50: "#ecfdf5",
        100: "#d1fae5",
        // ...
        800: "#065f46",
        900: "#064e3b",
<c.button className="text-dark bg-light">
  <c.svg className="fill-emerald-500">...</c.svg>

For more information on customizng colors, check out Tailwind CSS's colors guide (opens in a new tab).


Next, let's define your typography tokens in tailwind.config.js. Once defined, we can use them wherever content is present, including headings and paragraphs.

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontFamily: {
      graphik: ["Graphik"],
      merriweather: ["Merriweather"],
  <c.h1 className="font-merriweather text-4xl">...</c.h1>
  <c.p className="font-graphik text-lg">...</c.p>

Defining Font Families

If you're using Next.js on the web, you can follow Vercel's guide for optimizing fonts (opens in a new tab). You'll notice that their Tailwind guide asks you to include a CSS variable in your Tailwind config. Since native doesn't support CSS variables yet, we'll need to add an override in our web directory:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontFamily: {
      graphik: ["Graphik"],
      merriweather: ["Merriweather"],
const defaultConfig = require("../../tailwind.config.js");
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontFamily: {
      graphik: ["var(--graphik)"],
      merriweather: ["var(--merriweather)"],

For React Native, the process for loading fonts differs between iOS and Android. Thanks to the NativeWind documentation, we found this React Native font demo (opens in a new tab) that helps create a more consistent experience across platforms.


Please note that this requires a bare React Native project. At this time, we haven't found a consistent to load fonts that plays nicely with both Tailwind and the Expo managed workflow. If you find a way, please submit an issue on our GitHub repo!


We can define reusable icons using the SVG primitives exported from the main Carnation package.

import { c } from "carnation-ds";
export interface BugIconProps {
  className?: string;
export function BugIcon(props: BugIconProps) {
  return (
      viewBox="0 0 20 20"
        d="M14 11C14 12.7486 13.4922 14.2899 12.7218 15.3685C11.95 16.449 10.9739 17 10 17C9.02606 17 8.04999 16.449 7.2782 15.3685C6.50778 14.2899 6 12.7486 6 11C6 9.2514 6.50778 7.71008 7.2782 6.63149C8.04999 5.55098 9.02606 5 10 5C10.9739 5 11.95 5.55098 12.7218 6.63149C13.4922 7.71008 14 9.2514 14 11Z"
      {/* ... */}
<Button icon={<BugIcon className="text-black dark:text-white" />}>
  Report bug

Note that the c.path component can define stroke with the currentColor value. Well, this is functionality that all other SVG-related components also have (and it also works with fill!). If you pass a text color via the className prop on the component, the c.svg component will pass that value to its children via context.


Consistent motion is key to bringing your design system together. We can define reusable easings, durations, and spring configs in a constants file:

import type { SpringTransition, BezierDefinition } from "carnation-ds";
const fast = 0.1;
const normal = 0.3;
const slow = 0.6;
export const DURATION = Object.freeze({ fast, normal, slow });
const easeIn: BezierDefinition = [0.7, 0, 0.84, 0];
const easeOut: BezierDefinition = [0.16, 1, 0.3, 1];
const easeInOut: BezierDefinition = [0.87, 0, 0.13, 1];
export const EASE = Object.freeze({ easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut });
const breeze: SpringTransition = {
  type: "spring",
  damping: 1.2,
  mass: 0.13,
  stiffness: 5.7,
  velocity: 10.0,
export const SPRING = Object.freeze({ breeze });
import { m } from "carnation-ds";
import { DURATION, EASE, SPRING } from "./motion";
  initial={{ opacity: 0, translateY: -30 }}
  animate={{ opacity: 1, translateY: 0 }}
    opacity: {
      type: "timing",
      ease: EASE.easeOut,
      duration: DURATION.normal,
    translateY: SPRING.breeze,